
Cultural and Heritage

Extensive community and stakeholder engagement was undertaken during the development and permitting stages with the Iman 4 People as the Project sits within the groups native title claim area.

We are pleased to have reached an agreement with the Iman people and have established clear processes to recognise, protect and conserve the Aboriginal cultural heritage on the site throughout both the construction and operation of the Solar Farm.

Enquiries and Complaints

Columboola Solar Farm follows a clear process for responding to community enquiries and complaints. The answer to your query may be found on our FAQ page. Otherwise, contact information for the operations team can be found here.

Community and Stakeholder Engagement

Comprehensive community consultation was undertaken during the development application process. Examples include one-on-one meetings with traditional owners and residents, letter dropping to properties along the projects local access road and a public community meeting at the Murilla Community Centre in 2018.

Throughout the construction and operational phase, the project will continue to engage widely with the local community. The use of local contractors, plant and equipment hire, and accommodation services will provide broader social and economic benefit to the region. The project will create up to 400 jobs during construction with approximately five permanent jobs during operation.